Adopt-A-Road Collection Report

Collection Report

The Anderson County Adopt-A-Road Program requires regular reporting from Adopt-A-Road Volunteers after each clean-up a volunteer or group performs. Collection reports are used to determine which groups and volunteers are active. Additionally, the collection reports are used to provide information for the Tennessee Department of Transportation Litter Grant funds that support Anderson County’s Adopt-A-Road Program. Therefore, it is imperative that the collection report is turned in by volunteers or groups in a timely manner after every clean-up event. Failure to return updated copies of this report after cleanups may result in termination of the Volunteers’ Adopt-A-Road status.

Any safety vests or road safety signage borrowed from Anderson County must be returned to the County at the conclusion of a scheduled pickup event to the Anderson County Litter Grant Program at the following address:

Anderson County Courthouse
County Mayor’s Office
100 North Main Street, Suite 208
Clinton, TN 37716

Submit this form after every litter pick-up