Requesting Supplies
Please notify the Anderson County Adopt-A-Road Program at least one (1) week before planning a pick-up to provide the staff adequate notice to arrange and organize supplies. The Anderson County Adopt-A-Road Program has a limited supply of materials, work signs and safety vests available for use. These supplies shall be obtained and returned to the Anderson Adopt-A-Road Program during business hours.
It is good practice to aggregate all bags and items in one location along a roadway if the county litter crew is scheduled to pick up the collected trash. It is also a good idea to keep a sign-in-sheet or list of volunteers at each pick-up event.
Request supplies by calling the phone number below or e-mailing the following information to the Adopt-A-Road Program Coordinator
- Organization Name
- Adopted Road Name
- Primary Contact Person’s Name and Phone Number
- Tentative Date for Litter Clean-up Event
- Number of Volunteers expected to participate
- Typical Support Materials Needed
- Bags
- Gloves
- Litter “grabbers”
- Traffic Safety
- Road Signs
- Will county Litter Crew need to pick up bags?
- Do the Volunteers plan to drop off collected bags at an Anderson County Convenience Center?
If you have questions, please contact:
The Anderson County Mayor’s Office
Attn: Adopt-A-Road Program
Anderson County Courthouse
100 North Main Street, Suite 208
Clinton, TN 37716-3617
Telephone: (865) 457-6200