Adopt-A-Road Requesting Supplies

Requesting Supplies

Please notify the Anderson County Adopt-A-Road Program at least one (1) week before planning a pick-up to provide the staff adequate notice to arrange and organize supplies. The Anderson County Adopt-A-Road Program has a limited supply of materials, work signs and safety vests available for use. These supplies shall be obtained and returned to the Anderson Adopt-A-Road Program during business hours.

It is good practice to aggregate all bags and items in one location along a roadway if the county litter crew is scheduled to pick up the collected trash. It is also a good idea to keep a sign-in-sheet or list of volunteers at each pick-up event.

Request supplies by calling the phone number below or e-mailing the following information to the Adopt-A-Road Program Coordinator


  • Organization Name
  • Adopted Road Name
  • Primary Contact Person’s Name and Phone Number
  • Tentative Date for Litter Clean-up Event
  • Number of Volunteers expected to participate
  • Typical Support Materials Needed
    1. Bags
    2. Gloves
    3. Litter “grabbers”
    4. Traffic Safety
    5. Road Signs
    6. Will county Litter Crew need to pick up bags?
    7. Do the Volunteers plan to drop off collected bags at an Anderson County Convenience Center?

If you have questions, please contact:
The Anderson County Mayor’s Office
Attn: Adopt-A-Road Program
Anderson County Courthouse
100 North Main Street, Suite 208
Clinton, TN 37716-3617
Telephone: (865) 457-6200