Archive for the ‘Recycling Tips’ Category

Let’s have a real conversation about recycling. Maybe you know what you can put into your recycling bin, but maybe you don’t. These days it is accepted as common knowledge that paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum cans, and steel food cans are all items that can, and should be recycled. Or can they? Let’s take [Read More…]

So your refrigerator isn’t working, or your air conditioner is broken and you need to know what to do with the old one when you replace it. Well, first of all, here’s what not to do. Do not cut the line to the compressor on any refrigerator, freezer, air conditioner, dehumidifier, or any other device [Read More…]

Anderson County Spring Cleaning Day is May 18th

Education, Events, News & Info, Recycling Tips, Uncategorized /

Chestnut Ridge Landfill will extend its Saturday hours and stay open until 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, 2024, for Anderson County residents to dispose of items that cannot go to County Convenience Centers. This includes brush, limbs, and other wood waste (Large limbs and tree debris should be cut into manageable lengths of no [Read More…]

March designated as Keep Tennessee Beautiful Month

Education, Events, News & Info, Uncategorized /

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 31, 2024) – Gov. Bill Lee has once again designated March as Keep Tennessee Beautiful month. To officially kick-off the activities, including the state’s participation in Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup®, KTnB will host a rally and awards luncheon, 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. CST, March 1, 2024. The event will [Read More…]